Through the form of a bread

May I bring about the comparison of the actual bread and Jesus being the bread, being my personal reflection today.

in Matthew 4:4

Jesus said ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

and in Matthew 26: 26-29

26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.”

27 Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28 For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. 29 But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.”

In this pandemic, I have personally experienced, surviving, putting yourself inside a wall doing the routine of surviving, like eating 3 times a day, sometimes only 2 times, some days just one time. Some days there will be snacks, some days there’s nothing. Pardon me, but I am thankfull in every way I am provided, remembering being in the wilderness when God poured manna from the sky that His people may live. However amount of food we have, always it is enough by the grace of God.

But what’s about food? Food is what we know we have to provide our body that it may live, so we eat and feed it, with or without the apetite. So what’s about the food and Jesus being the bread and wine, the story of the last supper?

I am writing this for the depress, sad, those who are having uncomfortable feelings, or unneccesary thoughts, who couldn’t see purpose, and lacks excitement to live another moment or see another day.

I am very much aware as everyone is, very much sensitive with the needs of the body, what it needs to live. but more than being aware, the life from the words of Jesus in Matthew 4:4 is so clear how it speaks specially when we spend pondering on these negative thoughts, that pulls us stuck to becoming unproductive. Mind that we don’t live plainly for the purpose of providing for the body needs, or the routine of eating and sleeping. Getting up from the bed, caring for ourselves, and everything else around us that was placed in our care, that we get up to is one purpose God placed in us. In Genesis, God first created the light, trees, and the water. He prepared everything first before He created man, man who will take care of everything He created. What else did God created us with? He created us in His image, A God who can create, how we posses the ability to recreate His creation. God created the world from dark and ugly to amazingly and beautiful. And so, this traits, we can’t take away from us, why when we see broken we wanted to fix them. We decorate and redesign, write a book or a blog, sketch, paint, draw, improvise, improve, emerge with technology, music, and with regards to relating to people making friends and having fellowships.

The breaking of the bread reminds me, I hope you be reminded too.

We are MADE USE BY GOD, by all that we are, the GIFT HE MADE IN US. And that the main purpose we live is to Glorify Him. By offering everything that we do now for the inspiration that we do what we do because we are grateful for all that we are, and what we can do, and the purpose and joy of everything we produce is not limited within our appreciation, but for others to see the content we are made of, thus glorifies the creator who made us.

Jesus resurrected from the dead, the resurrection to face and deal with our flaws by the example of the righteousness of Jesus, fighting all insecurities and lack with the sword of spirit, and the shield of faith.

The Last supper is our armor, knowing by heart that we are redeemed, and salvation is at hand.

Remember that in the beginning God created Heaven and earth. He created two places for us. Now we are experiencing earth… there is still Heaven…and that’s a promise!


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